티스토리 뷰

Don't take it so personally. You know how people are on social media. People can get really careless with their words when they know they never have to meet you in person. Don't let it get to you.
너무 기분 나쁘게 듣지 마. 사람들이 SNS 상에서 어떤지 알잖아. 누구를 실제로 만날 일이 없다는 이유로 말을 함부로 할 때 있어. 거기에 흔들리지 마.

1. Don't take it so personally.
너무 그걸 개인적으로 받아들이지 마. 너무 기분 나쁘게 그걸 듣지 마.
2. You know how people are on social media.
- how people are 사람들이 어떤지 (간접의문문)
- How are you? 당신은 어떠세요? -> 어떻게 지내세요?
You know how people are around this time of the year. 이맘때쯤 사람들이 어떤지 알잖아.
3. People can get really careless with their words when they know they never have to meet you in person.
- can get ~하는 경우가 있다, 그렇게 하기도 한다
4. Don't let it get to you. 거기에 흔들리지 마.
= Don't let that get to you.
