1) A: Do you read? 독서하세요? B: I try to as much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to read at least 2 or 3 books a year. 노력은 해요. 최대한 많이 읽으려고 해요. 아마 부족하겠지만 1년에 최소한 2-3 권은 읽으려고 노력해요. 2) A: Do you study English? 영어 공부하세요? B: I try to as much as I can. It's probably not enough but I try to study at least 30 minutes a day. 노력은 해요. 최대한 많이 하려고 해요. 아마 부족하겠지만 하루에 최소 30분은 공부하려고 노력해요. 3) A: Do you ..
A: Hey, what's wrong with them? Every time they're together, they keep fighting over really stupid things. B: They've always been like that. I have tried to stop them, but they pretend like they don't even hear me. So now I just try to ignore it. A: 야, 쟤네 도대체 왜 저래? 둘이 만나기만 하면 진짜 별 것도 아닌 것 가지고 자꾸 싸워. B: 쟤네 원래부터 저랬어. 나도 말리려고 해봤는데 내 말은 들은 척도 안 해. (못 들은 척 하다.) 요즘은 그냥 신경 안쓰려고 해. =====================..
1. If all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails. = If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like nails.2. The grass may look greener on the other side but it's just as hard to cut.3. If everyone around you tells you you're drunk, maybe it's time to sit down.4. Just because you can (do something) doesn't mean you should.1. 가진게 망치 뿐이면, 모든 것이 못처럼 보인다. 아는만큼 보인다.2. 반대 쪽 잔디가 비록 ..
A: I had this crazy idea the other day. There will eventually come a time when people live up to 200, 250 years, right? When that day comes, I think marriage will be negotiated. So, for instance, when a guy proposes to a woman, "Will you marry me?", the woman asks "How many years?". And the guy says, "40!" and the woman is like, "35!". You know what I mean? B: That sounds crazy but plausible, I ..
1. know 어떤 지식을 알다, understand 이해하다, 알다 I understand how you feel. I understand why she did that but I don't agree with her decision. I don't understand what it means. 2. find out 알게 되다. get to know (x), become to know (x) I found out about that just yesterday. 3. figure out (어떤 상황이나 문제에서 방법을) 알게되다, 알아내다. I figured out how to use it. I figured out how to get there. I figured out how to set up the..
A: Hey. According to the map, there's actually a much quicker route to the station. I can't believe I'm discovering this just now. B: What? (Do) You mean, all this time, we've been taking a longer route? A: We've been taking the one shown in the guide book. I assumed it was the quickest one. B: Well, at least we know now. It's good that we can save a little more time from now on. A: 야. 지도에 보니까, ..
Don't take it so personally. You know how people are on social media. People can get really careless with their words when they know they never have to meet you in person. Don't let it get to you. 너무 기분 나쁘게 듣지 마. 사람들이 SNS 상에서 어떤지 알잖아. 누구를 실제로 만날 일이 없다는 이유로 말을 함부로 할 때 있어. 거기에 흔들리지 마. 1. Don't take it so personally. 너무 그걸 개인적으로 받아들이지 마. 너무 기분 나쁘게 그걸 듣지 마. 2. You know how people are on social media..
I was a little upset about what he said about me. But, you know, he's entitled to his own opinion and I really have no right to tell him what he should or shouldn't think about me. It's just a shame that he has to be so quick to judge who I am. But he's free to do that if he wants to, I guess. Besides, who's to say he's entirely wrong? Maybe he's right on some level. 처음엔 걔가 나에 대해서 한 얘기가 좀 기분 나빴는..