1. 집에 가니? Are you going to home? (x) Are you going home? 2. 약을 먹었어요. I took a medicine. (x) I took some medicine. I took medicine. 3. 주말에 쉬었어요. I took a rest on the weekend. (x) I rested on the weekend. I relaxed on the weekend. 4. 친구랑 만나기로 했어요. I have a promise with a friend. (x) I’m meeting up with a friend. I’ve got plans. 5. 그는 죽었어요. He was died. (x) He died. 6. 술 마셨어? Are you drunken? (x) A..
1. 저는 작년에 일본어를 배웠습니다. I learned Japanese last year. (△) 언어를 “배우다, 공부하다”는 learn 수준 있게 완성하다 study 공부하다 그러므로 I studied Japanese last year. → 바른표현 “언어를 익히다”의 다른 표현 acquire 자연스럽게 언어기술을 익히다 improve 실력이나 언어기술을 향상시키다 learn 언어를 익히다 I could acquire English skills while studying in Australia. I could improve my language skills in Canada. I learned Chinese when I lived in Hong Kong. Exercise: I studied Chin..
“음...어…”이런 더듬는 말은 되도록 피하고 이럴 땐 conversation filler들을 넣어보세요! Oh, I've never thought about that before, but I think ~. That's a very interesting question ~. Well, there are many different opinions ~. I'd never really given it a lot of thought. However ~. Let me think about that one ~. from Siwonschool Cambridge IELTS 13 Speaking Test 1 Part 3 by Laura Kim
Part 1 Television 빈출 단어 on TV TV에서에서/TV에 나오는, couch potato 항상 TV앞에 있는 사람, commercial (TV/라디오) 광고 (advertisement 일반적인 광고), main character 주인공, family-friendly 가족적인, violent 폭력적인, storyline 줄거리, rerun 재방송, broadcast 방송하다, entertaining 재미있는, scene 장면 Television 빈출 표현 Comedy shows make us feel relaxed and relieve our stress. 코메디는 우리를 편안하게 만들고 스트레스를 풀게 해 줍니다. I am a big fan of BBC documentary. 저는 BBC..
Q 나에 대한 질문을 받았을 때, No 외에 답변할 내용이 없으면 어떻게 하나요? Are you a student or a worker? Do you go to the cinema often? Do you like listening to music? Do you like watching TV? Can you speak any other languages? Did you ever play any sports at school? 등에 대해 No / Neither / Never / No, I can't 밖에 할 말이 없다면? 1. 알고 있는 상식을 최대한 이용해서 답해봅니다. Are you a student or a worker? 에서 학생도 직장인도 아닌 경우 가장 가까운 상태를 언급합니다. I am a c..
Social Media 브레인 스토밍 fake news, troll/haters, spam/virus/hacker, clickbait(낚시성 기사; 조회수를 높이기 위해 자극적으로 작성한 쓰레기 기사), block someone, cybercrime 악플을 달다/악플러 He's already getting trolled on social media for his drug scandal. 악플이 달리다 My aunt falls for clickbait all the time. 낚이다 I had one hater who kept trolling my posts, so I blocked him. 차단하다 (posts = news feeds 게시물) Facebook pushed a lot of fake news..
neighbour 브레인 스토밍 (neighbour 이웃, neighbourhood 동네) get along with annoying neighbours individual lifestyle gets in the way never have chances to talk to neighbours loverly, friendly, helpful, nosey (nosy) 참견하기 좋아하는, noisy/annoying (cf noise between floors 층간소음) Little favours from neighbours - put my bins out for me - feed and look after my pets - babysit neighbours' kids - collect mails while I..
분열문 (Cleft Sentence) I particularly loved her emotional performance. Something that I particularly loved was her emotional performance. I didn't enjoy the film because the sound quality was so bad. The reason why I didn't enjoy the film was (that) the sound quality was so bad. 분열절 문장 형태 What(주어) + 동사 + 목적어 + 형용사 What(목적어) + 주어 + 동사 The thing that Something that That's why What caught my eye was ..