티스토리 뷰

A: Hey. According to the map, there's actually a much quicker route to the station. I can't believe I'm discovering this just now.
B: What? (Do) You mean, all this time, we've been taking a longer route?
A: We've been taking the one shown in the guide book. I assumed it was the quickest one.
B: Well, at least we know now. It's good that we can save a little more time from now on.

A: 야. 지도에 보니까, 역까지 가는 훨씬 빠른 길이 있네. 이걸 이제서야 발견하다니.
B: 뭐?  그럼 지금까지 더 오래 걸리는 길로 다녔다는거야?
A: 그동안 안내 책에 나와 있는 길로 다녔어. 난 그게 제일 빠른 길인 줄 알았지.
B: 뭐, 그래도 이젠 알았으니까. 지금부터라도 시간을 좀 절약할 수 있으니까 좋다.
