티스토리 뷰
Standardized testing is an effective way to assess students' academic skills and abilities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea.
Some people think that standardized testing is an effective way to evaluate students' academic knowledge. However, I personally think that these tests do not accurately reflect a student's overall ability for several reasons that will be discussed below.
First of all, standardized tests do not effectively assess student's academic abilities because these tests purposely have some tricky questions that are designed to confuse test-takers even though they might know the required information. For example, on college entrance exams like the SAT or GRE, there are some intellectually-easy multiple choice questions with answer choices that all seem correct, and in some cases, all the possible answers could be written very similarly in order to confuse students and make them choose an incorrect answer. As a result, students can easily receive a test score that does not actually reflect their academic level of understanding. This shows that, in some cases, standardized tests try to evaluate the students' ability to pay attention more than their academic skills.
Secondly, standardized tests cannot accurately evaluate students' academic abilities because the tests have strict time limits. Sometimes, students need more time to think or calculate an answer, but they cannot do that sufficiently because they have to move to the next question so that they can finish within the time limit. For example, many standardized math tests recommend test-takers that they should spend 1 or 2 minutes to answer each question, but since math requires detailed calculations, students who use too much time on one question could get a low score if they cannot finish all the questions. This shows how the structure of a standardized test could negatively affect students' performance regardless of their academic knowledge.
In conclusion, it is clear that, when evaluating students' academic abilities, standardized tests are not a good method to use because they have unclear question formats and strict time limits.