티스토리 뷰

Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organized and in the correct place.
What is your opinion about this?

Many can agree on the importance of maintaining a tidy work or home environment. Personally, I believe that the home should be kept clean for safety reasons, and that the workplace needs to be organised to remain efficient and productive.

Firstly, one of the most crucial reasons for maintaining a clean and tidy home is safety. A key rationale for this argument is that most domestic accidents can be avoided. Sadly, not enough people are aware of the risks. A common example takes place when items are not tidied away properly, such as shoes, kitchen equipment, or tools. Either someone could fall over a shoe left on the floor, or a baby or pet could accidentally eat a small object that has been left out. In these types of situations, there is a risk of serious injury or even death. Hence, it is easy to see how crucial tidiness at home is.

Moreover, there is a more persuasive reason why the workplace should be well-ordered: productivity. If your office is untidy, you will find it far harder to complete your daily tasks in an effective manner. From personal experience, I cannot think clearly if I am too distracted by messy papers, rubbish, or clutter on my desk at work.

To conclude, the benefits of tidiness are undeniable. In your home, you will be safer, while in your workplace, a clean desk leads to improved productivity.

from Siwonschool Cambridge 13 test 4 writing part2 (235 words)