티스토리 뷰

Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organized and in the correct place.
What is your opinion about this?

The vast majority of people can agree on the benefits of a tidy, organised workplace or home. When it comes to the workplace, I believe that tidiness improves productivity, whereas safety is a key benefit of keeping your own home clean.

As the saying goes, a clean room leads to a clean mind. This saying is especially true when it comes to the workplace. The more organised someone’s work environment is, the more likely it is that they will be able to accomplish their daily tasks efficiently. For example, with an effective filing system, it is far easier to find exactly what you are looking for. On top of that, recent studies have shown that a tidy space aids concentration. In contrast, a messy space can cause stress.

There are clear advantages to keeping a tidy space at home as well. One of the most prominent benefits is that it makes your home safer. If children leave their toys out on the floor, there is a far greater risk of an accident occurring. For example, objects left on the floor can trip someone up. It is even more crucial to remember the importance of maintaining a clean home if you live with the elderly. They are far more liable to hurt themselves because of an untidy environment.

In conclusion, it is hard to argue against the wealth of benefits of keeping a clean home and workspace. In a workplace, productivity is boosted through cleanliness while, at home, it is very difficult to have a safe environment without tidiness. 

from Siwonschool Cambridge 13 test 4 writing part2 (262 words)