티스토리 뷰
Q 나에 대한 질문을 받았을 때, No 외에 답변할 내용이 없으면 어떻게 하나요?
Are you a student or a worker?
Do you go to the cinema often?
Do you like listening to music?
Do you like watching TV?
Can you speak any other languages?
Did you ever play any sports at school?
등에 대해 No / Neither / Never / No, I can't 밖에 할 말이 없다면?
1. 알고 있는 상식을 최대한 이용해서 답해봅니다.
Are you a student or a worker? 에서 학생도 직장인도 아닌 경우 가장 가까운 상태를 언급합니다.
I am a college student studying biology.
I have worked for Siwon Company for 3 years.
I was a store manager, but now I am between jobs.
2. 과거와 현재 상태를 연결 지어서 답해봅니다.
Do you go to the cinema often? Do you like listening to music? 등의 질문에서 "예전엔 그랬으나, 지금은 그러지 않는다" 정도로 답해봅니다.
I used to go to the cinema often, but now I'm busy working.
I used to listen to music, but now I'm busy preparing for the IELTS test.
3. but, however 등을 사용해서 미래와 연결시켜봅니다.
Can you speak any other languages? Did you ever play any sports at school? 등의 질문에서 "그렇지 않으나, 앞으로 시도해보겠다" 정도로 답해봅니다.
I can't speak any other languages except English and Korean, but I hope to learn Spanish.
I didn't, but I'm thinking about joining a tennis club for better health.
SiwonSchool Cambridge 13 Speaking Test 1 Part 1 by Laura Kim