티스토리 뷰
1. 집에 가니?
Are you going to home? (x)
Are you going home?
2. 약을 먹었어요.
I took a medicine. (x)
I took some medicine.
I took medicine.
3. 주말에 쉬었어요.
I took a rest on the weekend. (x)
I rested on the weekend.
I relaxed on the weekend.
4. 친구랑 만나기로 했어요.
I have a promise with a friend. (x)
I’m meeting up with a friend.
I’ve got plans.
5. 그는 죽었어요.
He was died. (x)
He died.
6. 술 마셨어?
Are you drunken? (x)
Are you drunk?
7. 지루해요.
I am boring. (x)
I’m bored.
8. 다이어트해야 해요.
I need to lose my fat. (x)
I need to lose weight.
9. 나 여기 너무 좋아!
I like here. (x)
I like it here.
10. 인생이 왜 이렇게 힘드냐.
The life is hard. (x)
Life is hard.
11. 자유시간있어요.
I have a free time. (x)
I have free time.
12. 그는 그녀와 결혼했다.
He married with her. (x)
He married her.
13. 엄마한테 전화했어요.
I called with my mom (x)
I called my mom.
14. 그는 미국에서 왔어요.
He is from United States. (x)
He is from the United States.
15. 다시 잠자러 들어가다
Sleep again. (x)
Go back to sleep.
16. 축하해요
Congratulation (x)
17. 저녁을 먹었다.
I had a dinner. (x)
I had dinner. (고유명사이기 때문에 a를 붙이지 않는다.)
18. 이슈에 대해 토론해보자
Let’s discuss about the issue. (x)
Let’s discuss the issue.
19. 그와 나는 친한 친구사이야
He and I are intimate friend? (x)
He and I are close friends.
20. 싸인 받을 수 있을까요?
Can I have your sign? (x)
Can I have your autograph?
21. 여기가 어디에요?
Where is here? (x)
Where am I?
Where are we?
22. 너무 좌절했어요.
I feel stuffy about it. (x)
I’m so frustrated.
23. 부모님께
Dear my Parents. (x)
My dear Parents.
24. 너무 좋은 시간이었어요.
It was so a good time. (x)
It was such a good time.
25. 그는 나와 똑같다.
He has the same with me. (x)
He has the same as me.
26. 저는 직원이에요.
I’m a staff. (x)
I’m on the staff. (팀과 같이 복수로 쓰인다.)
27. 일행 있으세요?
Do you have a company? (x)
Do you have company?
28. 나는 강아지를 좋아한다.
I like dog. (x)
I like dogs.
29. Do you know Kimchi? 보다 더 자연스러운 표현
Do you know Kimchi? (△)
Have you heard of Kimchi?
30. 한시간 반 (더 자연스럽게 사용)
One and a half hours (x)
An hour and a half.
31. 팔이 아파요.
My arm is sick. (x)
My arm is hurt.
32. 나 지금 가고 있어!
I’m going now. (x)
I’m coming now. (너한테 오는 중)
33. 먼저 가세요.
You go first. (x)
After you.
34. 우리 가족은 모두 5명입니다.
My family is five members (x)
My family has five members.
35. 제 영어실력이 부족합니다.
My English is short (x)
My English is poor.
36. 시내 나가자!
Let’s go to the downtown. (x)
Let’s go downtown.
37. 나는 노래 부르는 것을 즐겼다.
I enjoyed singing a song (x)
I enjoyed singing.
38. 숙제가 너무 많다.
I have many homework (x)
I have much homework.
I have a lot of homework.
39. 영화가 재미없어서 지루했다.
I was boring because the movie wasn’t exciting. (x)
I was bored because the movie wasn’t exciting.
40. 대부분의 한국사람이 그렇게 생각한다.
Most of Koreans think like that. (x)
Most Koreans think like that.
41. 돈 좀 빌릴 수 있을까?
Can you borrow some money? (x)
Can you lend me some money?
Can I borrow some money?
42. 나는 기차를 칠 줄 안다.
I play a guitar. (x)
I can play guitar.
43. 우리는 보통 토요일마다 볼링을 치러 간다.
We usually play bowling on Saturdays. (x)
We usually go bowling on Saturdays.
44. 너는 쉴 필요가 있다.
You need to take a relax. (x)
You need to take a rest.
45. 우리 언니는 머리가 검정색이다.
My sister has a black hair. (x)
My sister has black hair.
46. 그는 키도 크고 잘 생겼다.
He looks like tall and handsome. (x)
He is tall and handsome.
47. 저는 막내 아들입니다.
I’m youngest son. (x)
I’m the youngest son.
48. 박은 제 성입니다.
Park is family name. (x)
Park is a family name.
49. 약이 들지 않았다.
The medicine wasn’t work. (x)
The medicine wasn’t working.
50. 미치도록 바쁜 하루였다.
I have been a hectic day. (x)
It has been a hectic day.
51. 나는 아침에 커피를 마셨다.
I had coffee today morning. (x)
I had coffee this morning.
52. 아침 8시에 일을 시작한다.
I go to work until 8. (x)
I start work at 8 am.
53. 그는 마마보이다.
He is a mama boy. (x)
He is a mama’s boy.
54. 뭐가 달라?
What’s the different? (x)
What’s the difference?
55. 오늘 아침에 늦잠잤어.
Today morning I overslept. (x)
This morning I overslept.
56. 고마워요. 즐거웠어요.
Thank you. I really enjoyed. (x)
Thank you. I really enjoyed it.
57. 힘내
Fighting (x)
Go for it!
58. 내 마음 좀 이해해줘
Please understand my mind. (x)
Please understand me.
59. 샤프 좀 빌려 줄래?
May I borrow your sharp (x)
May I borrow your mechanical pencil?
60. 아이스 박스에서 맥주 좀 가져와.
Grab some beer from the icebox (△)
Grab some beer from the cooler.
61. 너인지 못 알아 봤어!
I didn’t realize it was you. (x)
I didn’t recognize you.
62. 신규 개점
Grand open (x)
Grand opening
the grand opening of a new supermarket 새로운 수퍼마켓의 대규모 개점 축하
63. 속옷
Panties (x)
64. 셀프입니다.
The water is self-service (x)
Help yourself
65. 원샷!
One shot (x)
Down it. 술을 한 번에 마시다 (https://en.dict.naver.com/#/entry/koen/1e5382b606484c87a55e1d3f41695118)
* If you say that someone downs food or a drink, you mean that they eat or drink it. (=consume)
66. 서비스입니다.
They’ll give us service. (x)
It’s on the house.
It’s free.
67. 친구가 미팅 잡아줬어!
I’m going to have a meeting later. (x)
I’m going to have a blind date.
68. 콘센트가 어디 있나요?
Where is consent? (x)
Where is the power socket?
69. 내 엉덩이는 너무 크다
My Hip is too big. (x)
My butt is too big.
70. 좀 쉬면서 해~
Take a rest. (x)
Have a rest.
Get some rest.
71. 극장에 처음 가봐요.
It’s the first time to go to the theatre. (x)
It’s the first time I have been to the theatre.
72. 다시 돌아오길 바래!
I hope you to come back again! (x)
I hope for you to come back again.
I hope you come back again.
영어회화단어모음집] 한국인이 잘 틀리는 영어회화 표현 72가지
영어회화 단어 모음집: 한국인이 잘 틀리는 영어회화 표현안녕하세요. 영어회화 어플 튜터링입니다 :-) 오...