티스토리 뷰
The IELTS is a test designed to assess an applicant's English language ability. (능력을 발휘하다 display ability, 타고난 재능 a genuine(innate/natural) ability)
Happiness is too abstract to define and this feeling varies from person to person. (추상적 개념 an abstract idea)
If people do not speak English as their first language, they will need to acquire IELTS 6.0 or an equivalent qualification. (시민권을 얻다 acquire citizenship, 면역력이 생기다 acquire immunity, 자신감을 얻다 acquire confidence, 평판을 얻다/명성을 쌓다 acquire a reputation)
According to one survey, adolescents in South Korea spend about 2 hours watching TV per day. (청소년)
Thirty-two percent of adolescent girls believe that they are overweight. (청소년의, 사춘기의, 미숙한)
The increase in average life expectancy in rich countries could cause severe problems for both individuals and society. (평균기대수명)
It is essential for young students to bear in mind that bullying is not allowed in school. (=keep in mind)
Nowadays, schools should carefully deal with severe problems with pupils' behavior. (반사회적 행동 antisocial behavior) (behavior, conduct - UCN, manner, act, action -> CN)
Brain fog is a common symptom for chronic fatigue syndrome patients. (신경이나 인지적 문제로 인해 머리가 혼란스럽고 안개같이 뿌예서 분명하게 생각하거나 표현하지 못하는 상태)
Travel is widely believed to broaden travelers' horizons and enrich their souls. (시야를 넓히다)
Although I always make an all-out effort in creating sculptures, I am clumsy with my hands. (나는 조각 작품을 만드는데 항상 온 힘을 기울이지만, 손재주가 없다)
Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes and it plays an important role especially in childhood. (인지의, 경험적 지식에 입각한)
Few abstract concepts are possible to put into words.
Environmental damage is an inevitable consequence of the improvement in the standard of living.
Therapy depends on the cause and severity of insomnia.
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers.
The most effective way to develop children mentally as well as physically is (by) encouraging them to do more outdoor activities. (잠재력을 개발하다 develop one's potential)
Climbing a mountain plays an important role in mental and physical development. (개발원조 a development aid, 최신의학의 발달 the latest medical developments)
Simon likes all the children in his class but is especially fond of Jenn.
Fully-grown adult male and female ladybirds both have spots and look similar. (충분히 성장한, 성숙한)
Some insist that it is better for young children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. (마음이 떠나다, 관계가 멀어지다 grow apart, 어른이 되다 grow up)
The behavior of adults plays a significant role in a child's growth. (인구증가 the growth of population, 성장 호르몬 growth hormone)
In Australia, people use centimeters to measure height, but many of them still use feet and inches to describe height.
In modern society, image serves as a more effective means of communication.
Imagination is much more essential than knowledge in childhood. (전혀 상상할 수 없는 beyond all imagination, 상상력을 불러일으키다 stir one's imagination, 상상력이 부족하다 lack imagination)
It is difficult to imagine a world in which everyone is truly satisfied with their job.
Every act of violence in movies can cause children to imitate them in the real world.
Fundamentally, all activities of children in their early years are imitations. (조화 imitation flower, 인조가죽 imitation leather, 흉내로 배우다 learn by imitation)
Children controlled too much by parents are usually psychologically immature.
Mark had a speech impediment when he was a child but he has overcome it. ((기능, 발달상의) 장애)
Children who use the Internet to satisfy their curiosity about diverse topics are already becoming independent learners.
Parental irresponsibility is likely to contribute to child obesity. (부모의 무책임)
Parents and governments should pay enough attention to children's spare time to prevent them from becoming an irresponsible adult.
Schools provide plenty of academic knowledge for students.
The advances in medical sciences have increased the life span for humans. (수명)
We tend to look back on our past when we face a severe problem in life. (뒤돌아보다, 회상하다)
English seems to be a very difficult language for most non-English speakers to master in a short term.
She is very mature for her age. (그녀는 나이에 비해 매우 성숙하다)
Governments should accept that children mature at a younger age nowadays and should adjust laws accordingly.
Students living in halls of residence can develop their maturity and confidence.
Cooper's book has been a milestone in the field of English education. (대기록을 세우다 set a milestone, 획기적인 사건, 중대 시점 a milestone in someone's life)
I am of sound mind and body and not under the influence of alcohol. (정신장애 disorder of the mind)
People can improve their conversational skills with a little patience and practice. (참을 수 있다 have patience with, 참을 수 없다 lose patience with)
Teachers should be patient with their children in the classroom.
As children turn into teenagers, the peer group begins to play an increasingly important role in their life.
My childhood was an important period of my life. (과도기 a transition period, 짧은 기간 동안 for a short period, 오랜 기간 동안 for a long period)
I would like to start a new and exciting phase of my life in the UK. (초기단계 an early phase, 중요한 국면 a crucial phase, 새로운 국면에 접어들다 enter on a new phase)
The city where I live will be much smaller than now because the birth rate is declining considerably. (이자율 interest rates, 주차비 parking rates, 급속도로 at an alarming rate)
Teenage rebellion plays an essential part in adolescent growth. (10대의 반항은 청소년기 성장에 중요한 역할을 한다.)
Most teens in modern society are rebellious, self-absorbed and moody. (반항적이고, 자기 중심적이며, 변덕스러운)
Some people try to remember only happy events rather than bad ones.
It reminds me of the places we used to go.
The librarian sent him a reminder about the overdue book by e-mail. (독촉장)
This party gave alumni the opportunity to meet each other, network and reminisce about their time at the University of Westminster. (즐겁게 회상하다)
It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children how to become good members of society. (전적으로 책임지다 take full responsibility for, 책임감이 강하다 have a strong sense of responsibility)
Parents should be responsible for raising and teaching their children until they are fully grown.
Social skills play an important role along with university qualifications to help us survive in this highly competitive world.
There are a number of stages in the process of becoming a doctor.
Some children have not developed patience and often throw a tantrum. (짜증내다, 떼를 쓰다)
Host countries should show some openness and tolerance towards a visitor's behavior being different from local culture.
Abuse of diet pills can also cause tolerance to diet medication. (내성)
I admire my mother who is always tolerant and affectionate.
Generally, plants can be divided into two groups: shade-tolerant species and shade-intolerant species.
In the transition to adolescence, young people usually experience intense and uneven physical and emotional changes. (과도기)
Learning how to visualize is an important step in getting what people want in their life.
출처: 줄리정 불법 보카