티스토리 뷰

Many teenagers admire entertainers and try to look like them. (동경하다)
News programs start with an attention-grabbing headline. (눈길을 사로잡는, 주목받는)
Audiences enjoyed the play, 'The Royal Hunt of the Sun'.
I read three different newspapers to avoid looking at the world holding a biased view. (편견을 갖다)
The box office is going to open until 9 pm from next month.
The London 2012 Olympic Games were broadcast in 3D. (broadcast, broadcast, broadcast)
My boyfriend is camera shy so we have never taken photos together.
To protect young viewers, violent language and behaviour in the media should be censored.
Broadcasting stations as well as electronic companies face a challenge in the spread of 3D TV.
Marilyn Monroe is still the sexist and most beautiful actress to millions of cinemagoers today. (영화팬)
People have become less conservative than before due to the spread and development of the media. (보수적인 정책 conservative policies, 보수적인 태도 a conservative attitude)
Media images such as extremely thin models should be controlled by the government.
Today, credibility is the most important factor for news programs. (신뢰를 얻다/잃다 gain/lose credibility)
The best way to prepare for IELTS writing is to have and interest in current affairs. (시사문제, 최근사건)
The international press condemned Japan for approving their distorted history textbook justifying Japan's war of aggression. (왜곡된 견해, 편견 distorted views, 왜곡된 역사 교과서 distorted history textbooks)
Editors often exaggerate the truth of articles to arouse their readers' curiosity and sell customers as many newspapers as possible. (편집 editing)
The company hired idol groups to entertain the guests at the launching party.
Admiring entertainers too much is not good for teenagers.
It is common for entertainment programs to broadcast a celebrity's breakup as a hot issue. (오락시설들 entertainment venues)
Anti-smoking advertising on TV will protect teenagers from being exposed to a smoking environment.
Compared to the Internet, print media guarantee the factual accuracy of current affairs. (사실의, 사실에 입각한)
Fame or fortune is not important to some entertainers.
Sometimes I go shopping or go to the movies alone.
SNS is the fastest tool nowadays to inform the public about the latest issues.
Paparazzi are too aggressive and they intrude upon celebrities' privacy. (~의 사생활을 침해하다)
Entertainment programs should not excessively invade an idol's family or private life.
If a politician has committed a crime, the media should investigate it to let the public know.
Many international economic journals announced that China surpassed Japan as the world's second-largest economy in 2011.
This reopened cinema has increased the leg-room between the rows.
The public needs to know the fact that governments and the mainstream media sometimes knowingly tell them big lies. (주류, 대세) (knowingly (사정 등을) 다 알고도, 고의로 (=deliberately))
Media censorship is criticized because it may be done to support the vested interests of the governing authorities. (미디어검열) (기득권)
Teaching media literacy to children is a more effective strategy than blocking or filtering. (미디어를 이해하는 능력)
I usually read a newspaper online rather than pick it up at the newsstand
In my opinion, TV is still the most effective tool to deliver current affairs. (여론 public opinion, 여론 주동자, 오피니언 리더 an opinion leader, 긍적적/부적적 견해 a positive/negative opinion, 내 생각으로는 in my opinion)
Britney Spears is still a favorite target for paparazzi. (pl of paparazzo)
Television debate programs should deliver different perspectives about a subject without bias.
The mass media such as TV, the printed media and the Internet have a pervasive influence on contemporary society.
The government should not violate the freedom of the press at any cost. (출판의 자유 free press, 외국 보도 기관 the foreign press, 언론의 자유 the freedom of the press)
When we got into the cinema, the previews had already started.
The newspaper company is adapting to the times by making a progressive move with a new female CEO. (진취적 사고를 가진 사람 a progressive thinker)
Harry Potter has been translated into more than 70 different languages since its publication.
Professional sportspeople often receive good publicity as well as earn a huge amount of money. (호평을 받다) (악평을 받다 attract bad publicity, 대중의 눈을 피하다 avoid publicity)
A lack of realistic perception induces children to commit violent crimes which they have seen on TV.
In Hollywood, there are new movies released almost every week.
Most gossip about celebrities has no relevance to the truth. (~와 관련이 있다.)
Despite the movie's long running time, it was not boring at all. (상영시간)
Readers do not only read newspaper cartoons for fun, but they also enjoy a biting sarcasm on contemporary society. (신랄한 풍자, 비꼼) (풍자적인 sarcastic)
Newspapers tend to present sensational headlines to attract a high subscription rate. (선정적인, 크게 물의를 일으키는)
Ahn's speech on TV has sparked speculation that he will be jumping into politics soon. (추측) (터무니없는 추측 idle speculation)
A good way to study English is to watch English language movies without Korean subtitles.
As more and more people read free subway tabloids, newspaper subscriptions have dropped significantly.
Love actually is one of the most touching movies I have ever seen. 
The media should verify whether the US government killed the genius scientist, Whisoh Lee.
I read the newspaper every day because I want to be well informed of the current world situation. (잘 아는, 정보에 정통한)

출처: 줄리정 불법 보카