티스토리 뷰
1. 전화 건 후 용건을 말하기 전
Is this a good time? 지금 통화/시간 괜찮아?
Did I catch you at a bad time?
2. 너무 늦은 시간에 전화 했을 때. (퇴근 후 = 늦은시간)
Hi, sorry to call so late.
너무 이른 시간에 전화 했을 때 (출근 전)
(I am) sorry to call so early.
Ex) Hello? I’m sorry to call so early.
3. Who am I speaking to? 더 정중하게는 May I ask who’s calling?
Can I get your name?
Ex) this is Dwight Schrute. Who am I speaking to?
No, this is her mother. May I ask who’s calling?
4. What is this regarding?
May I ask what this is regarding? (더 정중한 표현)
What is this regarding? Was that for me?
5. To what do I owe the pleasure? (기쁜 마음으로 도와주고 싶다) (How can I help you?)
Mrs. Barrett. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Connie, to what do I owe the pleasure? / I need a favor.
Of course, should we discuss that over dinner? / I’ll take a raincheck on that. (미룰 때 쓰는 take a raincheck=간단히 raincheck)
Shall we discuss that over dinner/lunch/a drink?
*over: ~하는 동안에/~하면서
6. at the moment: 지금 이 순간/지금은, 바쁘다고 할 때 자주 쓰이는 at the moment
He’s in a meeting at the moment. / he’s busy at the moment. / he’s unavailable at the moment.
I’m busy at the moment 지금 좀 바빠서요.
But I’m very busy at the moment.
7. When can I expect to hear from you? 언제 연락 주실거라고 생각하면 될까요?
I/we will be in touch by next week/this Friday (다음주까지연락/이번주 금요일까지)
*내가 전화하는게 아니라 사무실의 다른 사람이 전화할 땐 주로 someone또는 we를 사용
8. Please call me back ASAP. = please call me back as soon as possible.
Please call me at your earliest convenience. ASAP보다 부담은 덜 주면서 가볍게 재촉할 때 (ASAP나 urgent가 너무 세게 느껴질 때 씀)
9. If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to call me.
= please feel free to call me.
-call 대신 contact/reach out(연락하다)도 자주 쓴다
And if there’s anything.. anything you need, don’t hesitate to call me.
You feel free to call me day or night at this number. 이 번호로 낮, 밤 상관 없이 편히 전화 해.
10. it was nice talking to you. I enjoyed talking to you.
It was nice talking to you, and we’ll talk again soon. Bye.