티스토리 뷰
<비례식 표현>
많을수록 좋아: The more the better
이를수록 좋아: The earlier the better / the sooner the better
가까울수록 좋아: The closer the better
작을수록 좋아: the smaller the better
작을수록 가격이 더 싸: The smaller it is the cheaper it is (gets).
작을수록 더 가격이 비싸:The smaller it is the more expensive it is (gets).
작을수록 더 편리해: The smaller it is the more convenient it is (gets)
1. The more functions it has (there are) the better it is. / the more convenient it is. 기능이 많을수록 좋아
2. The smaller it is the more convenient it is to carry (around). The smaller it is the easier it is to carry around. 작을수록 들고 다니기가 더 편해.
3. But that doesn’t mean the smaller the better. / That doesn’t necessarily mean the smaller the better. 그렇다고해서 꼭 작을수록 좋은것만은 아니야.
4. Because the smaller it is the less stuff you can carry in it. 왜냐면 작을수록 안에 넣고 다니는게 적어지니까.
The smaller it is the easier it is to carry but that doesn’t necessarily mean the smaller the better because the smaller it is the less stuff you can carry in it.