티스토리 뷰
기능이 많을 수록 좋다.
The more functions it has (there are) the better it is.
The more the functions the better (it is).
사람이 많을 수록 좋다.
The more the people (the better).
The more people there are the better (it is).
거기에 일찍 도착할 수록 준비할 시간이 많아지니까 이를 수록 좋을거 같아.
The eariler we get(arrive) there, the more time we'll have to prepare. So I think the earlier the better.
너가 지금 일을 더 많이 끝내 놓을 수록 나중에 너가 할 일이 더 줄어들어.
The more work you finish(do) now the less (work) there'll be (for you) to do later.
* 할수록 ~감이 잡히는 것 같아 /하면 할 수록 (조금씩) 감이 더 오는거 같아 : I feel like I'm getting better at it each time/everytime (I do/try it.)
I feel like I am getting better at it each(every) time (I do/try it).
I feel like I can understand it (a little) better each time I read it / each time I see it / each time I watch it / each time I do it.
*get better at 감을 갖다
* 감을 갖다 : to get the hang of ~ / to get the feel for~
시간의 흐름에 중점.
As time goes by, it's going to get better.
As you gain more experience it's going to get easier.
It's going to get easier as you gain more experience.
* As the story progresses ~ : 얘기가 진행됨으로써
As the story progresses it becomes more and more complicated.
It becomes more complicated as the story progresses.
끝에 갈 수록 더 어려워져써.
As I got closer to the end it became more difficult.
(좀 더 많이 쓰는 표현) Towards to the end it got more difficult.
It's becoming... 갈수록
The story is becoming a little strange.
It's becoming more and more difficult. 갈수록 더 어려워져.
I feel like it's becoming more and more difficult.