티스토리 뷰
A: So, What do you say? I can fill you in on everything and get you up to speed by the end of the day today.
B: You know, there's so much that I like about that offer and I'm probably going to regret this (later) but I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a pass on it. I know you'll probably want me to take some time to think it over but I feel like I'll just be holding up the process.
A: 그래서, 어떻게 생각하세요? 필요한거 다 알려줘서 오늘 중으로 완전히 준비시켜 드릴 수 있는데.
B: 아, 너무나도 좋은 제안이고 아마 나중에 후회하겠지만 아쉽게도 패스해야 될 것 같아요. 시간을 좀 가지고 다시 생각을 해보길 아마 바라시겠지만 제가 그냥 지체만 시키는 상황이 될 것 같아요.
* There's so much that I (like about) + O
* I can fill you in on + O (필요한 정보를 알려주다) // get you up to speed (진도를 맞추다)
* I'm afraid I'm just gonna have to take a pass on it.
* I feel like ~(clause): ~ (節)인 것 같다.
* I know you'll probably V ~ 하시겠지만.
( by the end of the day today / take some time to think it over / be holding up the process: 진행을 지체시키다 )