Social Media 브레인 스토밍 fake news, troll/haters, spam/virus/hacker, clickbait(낚시성 기사; 조회수를 높이기 위해 자극적으로 작성한 쓰레기 기사), block someone, cybercrime 악플을 달다/악플러 He's already getting trolled on social media for his drug scandal. 악플이 달리다 My aunt falls for clickbait all the time. 낚이다 I had one hater who kept trolling my posts, so I blocked him. 차단하다 (posts = news feeds 게시물) Facebook pushed a lot of fake news..
neighbour 브레인 스토밍 (neighbour 이웃, neighbourhood 동네) get along with annoying neighbours individual lifestyle gets in the way never have chances to talk to neighbours loverly, friendly, helpful, nosey (nosy) 참견하기 좋아하는, noisy/annoying (cf noise between floors 층간소음) Little favours from neighbours - put my bins out for me - feed and look after my pets - babysit neighbours' kids - collect mails while I..
분열문 (Cleft Sentence) I particularly loved her emotional performance. Something that I particularly loved was her emotional performance. I didn't enjoy the film because the sound quality was so bad. The reason why I didn't enjoy the film was (that) the sound quality was so bad. 분열절 문장 형태 What(주어) + 동사 + 목적어 + 형용사 What(목적어) + 주어 + 동사 The thing that Something that That's why What caught my eye was ..
* Formal (격식) 대상: 모르는 사람이나 사업체 인사: Dear Sir or Madam, 문장스타일: 축약 안 됨, 고급단어 구사 끝인사: Your faithfully, (한 줄 띄고) 성명 * Semi-formal 1 (준격식) 대상: 어느 정도 아는 사람이나 회사 상관 인사: Dear Last Name(성) (예: Dear Mr. Kim,) 문장스타일: 축약 지양, 고급단어 구사 끝인사: Your sincerely, (한 줄 띄고) 성명 * Semi-formal 2 (준격식) 대상: 친구나 친한 동료 인사: Dear First Name(이름) (예: Dear Chelsea,) 문장스타일: 축약 가능, 덜 격식있는 표현 끝인사: Best wishes, (한 줄 띄고) 이름 * Informal (..
A: Hey, what's wrong with them? Every time they're together, they keep fighting over really stupid things. B: They've always been like that. I have tried to stop them, but they pretend like they don't even hear me. So now I just try to ignore it. A: 야, 쟤네 도대체 왜 저래? 둘이 만나기만 하면 진짜 별 것도 아닌 것 가지고 자꾸 싸워. B: 쟤네 원래부터 저랬어. 나도 말리려고 해봤는데 내 말은 들은 척도 안 해. (못 들은 척 하다.) 요즘은 그냥 신경 안쓰려고 해. =====================..
1. If all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails. = If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like nails.2. The grass may look greener on the other side but it's just as hard to cut.3. If everyone around you tells you you're drunk, maybe it's time to sit down.4. Just because you can (do something) doesn't mean you should.1. 가진게 망치 뿐이면, 모든 것이 못처럼 보인다. 아는만큼 보인다.2. 반대 쪽 잔디가 비록 ..
A: I had this crazy idea the other day. There will eventually come a time when people live up to 200, 250 years, right? When that day comes, I think marriage will be negotiated. So, for instance, when a guy proposes to a woman, "Will you marry me?", the woman asks "How many years?". And the guy says, "40!" and the woman is like, "35!". You know what I mean? B: That sounds crazy but plausible, I ..
You recently went to a concert and thought one of the singers was very good. You want to tell him how you feel. Write a letter to the singer. In your letter - say how you feel about his performance - give details of your musical activities - explain how you would like him to help you with your musical activities Dear Jin, I am a long-time fan of yours, and I had been waiting so long for you to p..