A: Hmm. Did you know that South Korea is the first country in the world to have a general election since the pandemic hit? B: Oh, is that right? I guess the voter turnout rate will take a hit as well. A: Actually, it's quite the opposite. The early voting turnout rate is twice as high as it was in the last election. B: Really? A: Yeah. They're saying that the pandemic seems to have gotten everyo..
think through 미리미리 계획을 세우다 A: Oh man! I should've thought this through. I don't even know what I'm going to do with all this. B: Yeah. That's what happens when you don't plan ahead. A: 아 ~ 미리 생각을 좀 할 걸. 이걸 다 어떻게 해야 할지도 모르겠네. B: 맞아. 미리 계획하고 하지 않으면 원래 그렇게 돼. What am I going to do about this? What am I going to do with this? 이걸 어쩌지? That's what you get for ~ing. That's what you get for not planning..
A: So, What do you say? I can fill you in on everything and get you up to speed by the end of the day today. B: You know, there's so much that I like about that offer and I'm probably going to regret this (later) but I'm afraid I'm going to have to take a pass on it. I know you'll probably want me to take some time to think it over but I feel like I'll just be holding up the process. A: 그래서, 어떻게..
deal with: 문제를 해결하는 과정에 포커스. 상호교류적 handle: 어떤 상황이 손바닥 위에 훤하듯 통제할 수 있는 느낌. 일방적 A: Hey, can you watch my dog for a little while? I gotta(have to) go back to the office and deal with something. It won't take long. 잠깐 내 개 좀 봐줄래? 나 회사 돌아가서 잠깐 할게 있어. 오래 안 걸릴거야. B: Yeah, sure. Whatever you need. 응, 물론이지. 편할대로 해. A: Are you going to be OK? Have you been with a dog before? 괜찮겠어? 개랑 있어 본 적 있어? B: Dude, it..
저 요즘 드라마를 하나 보고 있어요. Lately, I've been watching a (TV) show. 최근에, 나는 뭔가를 하고 있다. Lately, I've been doing something. -advertisements -the news -sports games -everything else ... : "(TV) shows" I've been watching Game of Thrones, lately. Oh! I love that show! *These days, I'm ...ing. ex) I used to work with a small group but these days, I'm working with almost 20 other employees. https://www.youtub..
기능이 많을 수록 좋다. The more functions it has (there are) the better it is. The more the functions the better (it is). 사람이 많을 수록 좋다. The more the people (the better). The more people there are the better (it is). 거기에 일찍 도착할 수록 준비할 시간이 많아지니까 이를 수록 좋을거 같아. The eariler we get(arrive) there, the more time we'll have to prepare. So I think the earlier the better. 너가 지금 일을 더 많이 끝내 놓을 수록 나중에 너가 할 일이 더 줄어들어. ..
많을수록 좋아: The more the better 이를수록 좋아: The earlier the better / the sooner the better 가까울수록 좋아: The closer the better 작을수록 좋아: the smaller the better 작을수록 가격이 더 싸: The smaller it is the cheaper it is (gets). 작을수록 더 가격이 비싸:The smaller it is the more expensive it is (gets). 작을수록 더 편리해: The smaller it is the more convenient it is (gets) 1. The more functions it has (there are) the better it is. / th..
그 사건을 다루는 많은 기사를 읽어봤는데, 그 중에 특히 주목해서 보게 된게 최근에 하나 있었어요. 그게 많이 와닿았던 것이 다른 것들에 비해서 의견이 두드러지게 많이 반영됐었기 때문이에요. 그것을 쓴 기자는 팩트만 나열하기보다 그 사건에 대해서 뭔가를 지적하고 싶었던 것이 보였어요. 이게 안좋게 끝나는 경우가 많지만 이 특정 기사는 많은 사람들의 공감을 얻었던 것 같은게, 그동안 사람들의 반응이 대체적으로 아주 긍정적이었어요. I've read a lot of articles covering that case and there was one that really caught my attention recently. The reason it stood out to me was because it was ..